Here's my situation:
I want stuff under
to require form-based authentication before access (login via mysite/customer/login.jsp, with its own user_password table and role. )
I want stuff under
to require another form-based authentication before access (login via mysite/admin/login.jsp, with another set of admin_user_password table and role. )
Is it possible to do this under Tomcat 6.0? If so, can someone briefly describe how I could go about implementing this? I've looked around and only seen examples of 1 Realm setup...havent seen multiple Realm setup before.
I use JDBCRealm.
I think that is not possible. You could go the filter way in which you setup a filter for the customer side of your tree and another filter for the admin side. Take a look here.
The other way is to setup two applications in tomcat in two different contexts using single sign on within tomcat. In this way you would have /mysitecustomer
and mysiteadmin
as two different applications sharing one realm but having two different login pages.