Here is my pseudo:
Read from LIST
Ping to check if machine is awake | Report result
Check to see if SERVICE is running | Report result
NO? Is it stopped?
YES? Run it | Report result
NO? Must not be installed, remote install please! | Report result
This is driving me bonkers here... I can make the parts of this code work alone just fine, but when I combine it into a nested IF structure, it returns 'Network Error' and 'Running' if a machine does not have the service running...then a manual check at that machine shows it is still actually stopped. Same for machines without the service installed at all.Please tell me where I'm messing up.. Thanks!
@echo off
set SERVICE=MyServ
for /f %%i in (\\\c$\list.txt) do call :DOIT %%i
echo Checking %SERVICE% on %1
@ECHO off
ping -n 2 -w 1000 %1 >trial.txt
find "Reply from" trial.txt>nul
if %ERRORLEVEL% == 1 (echo %1 Network Unresponsive>> "\\\c$\list_report.txt")
if %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 (
sc \\%1 query %SERVICE% | FIND "STATE" | FIND "RUNNING"
if %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 (echo %1 Running>> "\\\c$\list_report.txt")
if not %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 (
sc \\%1 query %SERVICE% | FIND "STATE" | FIND "STOPPED"
if %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 (
sc \\%1 start %SERVICE%
echo %1 forced start>> "\\\c$\list_report.txt""
if not %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 (
xcopy /f /y "\\\!\theAPP.exe" "\\%1\c$\temp\"
\\\!\psexec \\%1 -s -n 10 -d cmd /c "c:\temp\theAPP.exe"
echo %1 Installed>> "\\\c$\list_report.txt""
this should fix the issue
for /f %%i in (\\\c$\list.txt) do call :DOIT %%i
if not "%1"=="" (
echo Checking %SERVICE% on %1
ping -n 2 -w 1000 %1 | find "Reply from" >nul
if ERRORLEVEL 1 echo %1 Network Unresponsive>> \\\c$\list_report.txt else (
sc \\%1 query %SERVICE% | find "RUNNING" > nul
sc \\%1 start %SERVICE% > nul
echo %1 Forced Start>> \\\c$\list_report.txt
) else (
echo %1 Running>> \\\c$\list_report.txt)
xcopy /f /y \\\c$\text.txt \\%1\c$\temp\ > nul
\\\c$\psexec \\%1 -s -n 10 -d cmd /c "type c:\temp\text.txt"
echo %1 Installed>> "\\\c$\list_report.txt")
part of the issue is that you have to test for if not %1="" at the top of the script. that is where you get the erroneous text..
then you had some nesting issues, so i used ELSE instead.
you will have to change the text.txt to your filename.exe (and omit the "type" command)
please check answer if this solves your problem
fyi, you will need to have administrator access on the remote machine so that you can turn on and off services