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Apex getter returning wrong value

I have javascript function in my salesforce page to validate if one of the contacts have open cases. This function calls an apex getter to get the value. The problem I`m facing is that the apex getter is always returning the wrong boolean. I tried debugging it, everything seems to work but for some reason the returned bool is wrong.

apex function:

 public Boolean openCase{

        if (Contacts.size() > 0){
            for(cContact wContact: dicContacts.values()){
                     if(wContact.con.account.Number_of_open_Financial_Review_Cases__c > 1){

                        return true;
    return false;


js function:

 function validateOpenCases(sendEmail){

    doIt = true;
    oc = {!openCase};   // <<== problem here
      if (oc)
            // do stuff
        // do nothing


  • You should not bind Apex objects/variables directly in JavaScript (like you have {!openCase};). I've had many issues with this before. Instead use JavaScript Remoting or the Ajax Toolkit.


    Another option is to use a hidden Visualforce input to store your bound Visualforce value. Then you can get that value in your JavaScript.

    Here's an example:

    <apex:page controller="myController">
            function getInputEndingWith(endsWith)
                // put together a new Regular Expression to match the 
                // end of the ID because Salesforce prepends parent IDs to
                // all elements with IDs
                var r = new RegExp("(.*)"+endsWith+"$"); 
                // get all of the input elements
                var inputs = document.getElementsByTagName('input');
                // initialize a target
                var target;
                // for all of the inputs
                for (var i = 0; i < inputs.length; ++i)
                    // if the ID of the input matches the
                    // Regular Expression (ends with)
                    if (r.test(inputs[i].id))
                        // set the target
                        target = inputs[i];
                        // break out of the loop because target 
                        // was found
                // return the target element
                return target;
            function validateOpenCases(sendEmail)
                doIt = true;
                oc = getInputEndingWith("OpenCase").value;
                if (oc === "true") {
                    doIt = confirm('Are you sure?'); 
                if (doIt) {
                    // do stuff
                else {
                    // do nothing
                <apex:inputhidden id="OpenCase" value="{!openCase}" />
            <input type="button" class="btn" onclick="validateOpenCases('Send');" value="Validate" />