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How to set Notepad++ as TortoiseSVN default editor?

Sometimes I browse a repository and want to look at some files there, without checking them out (let's say I'm looking for a particular file). I've got three choices

  • double clicking the file opens the default editor. For .cs files that would be the big and slow Visual Studio. And, naturally, it has to open a fresh copy.
  • Right-clicking also offers the option to "Open With..." and then I can select what program I want
  • Right clicking also offers the option to "Edit" which then opens Notepad.

I'd like to use Notepad++ as the default editor. Or it can be the "Edit" entry on the context menu that opens it, but not the full and lengthy "Open with..." dialog. Can I do that? I haven't yet found such a setting, but maybe there's some hidden option or something.


  • Like Mand Beckett said, and this is the full registry path:


    Change (Default) value in this key. Remember to leave %1 there.

    The problem with solution above is that it will only handle files that are perceived as text (have value PerceivedType=text in registry). Most text files are already perceived as such in the registry, but you can't open, for instance, a .lib file in this manner. To be able to open really all files from repository browser with Notepad++ edit (Default) value in the following key (add the key if not there):


    NOTE: In registry editor new key will have (Default) value of type REG_SZ, not REG_EXPAND_SZ. If you want REG_EXPAND_SZ you must create a key with .reg file.

    Another option is to set all relevant file types to open from Notepad++ by default instead from Visual Studio. Start Notepad++ as administrator and in Settings > Preferences > File Association just add those file associations that you use.