ok - I know it's bad move but we did eventually decided to save files into DB for convenience... Now the problems come.
We have a database called "XXX_DataStore" where we save uploaded files onto a table and we separate binary file data into a table called "FileData" so it will be used only when we need the data.
Each file is less than 60M (90% files are less than 1M ) , however it happens only from last week that when user uploads file that is larger than 50M, the system throws "SqlException Timeout" sort of exception (ASP.NET app) - any files less than 50M can be uploaded successfully?!
I've tried to increase the "Connection TimeOut" on sqlString in web.config and also the timeout for ASP.NET application request - none worked.
Any help on this?
Thank you very much.
The timeout you need to increase is the SqlCommand timeout - this will default to 30 seconds.