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Flags enum with too many items; last value is too large. How can I resolve this?

Possible Duplicate:
When you use flag(Enum) you have a limit of 64. What are the alternative when you reach the limit?

I have the following [Flags] enum that has to contain 33 elements:

public enum Types
    None = 0,
    Alarm = 1,
    Exit = 2,
    Panic = 4,
    Fire = 8,
    Tamper = 16,
    Key = 32,
    Line = 64,
    FTC = 128,
    Unused = 256,
    tech_1 = 512,
    //... tech_2 through _7 omitted for brevity
    tech_8 = 65536,
    fire_1 = 131072,
    //... fire_2 through _11 omitted for brevity
    fire_12 = 268435456,
    Key = 536870912,
    Exit = 1073741824,
    Gas = 2147483648, // Cannot convert source type uint to target type int

The value for the last item appears to be too large. Has anyone dealt with this before? Any ideas how this can be resolved / worked around?


  • You can specify the type of the enum to be something with a greater range.

    public enum Types : long