At I found a @font-face kit with chinese characters ... all the needed files and css code are on the server. But I still get latin characters ... 'DHG' >
What have I to do to get this working?
<h1><span>DGH</span><txp:site_name /></h1>
h1 span {
font: 1em/100% DFXingShuMedium1B;
padding-right: 40px;
@font-face {
src:url('DFXSM1B.eot?') format('eot'),
url('DFXSM1B.woff') format('woff'),
url('DFXSM1B.ttf') format('truetype'),
url('DFXSM1B.svg#DFXingShuMedium1B') format('svg');
As far as I know now it gives to much troubles to have a Chinese font on a (the) server. Most of them are heavy (over 3 MB) and it is impossible to find a generator (Font Squirrel allows only a 2 MB upload) that will make all the necessary files (.ttf,eot,woff,...)
So I'll have to make an image ...