I need the way to distinguish the previous version of Google Docs' Document from the latest one, only by Resource ID. As there seems to be no document about this, I scanned thousands of documents and found the pattern below.
[The latest version(KIX)]
[The previous version(Writely)]
It seems okay to use the head character (1 or 0) or the length(more than 43 bytes or not) to distinguish them, but it is just a guess.
I would like to ask Google Docs API support staff the currently right way to distinguish them, if it is not a secret. It is okay the naming rule may change in the future.
Any information is welcome. Thank you.
There is no stable, documented, or official way to distinguish them. If your way works, I suggest you use it.
Of course one day, Writely documents will no longer exist, so this will no longer be a problem.