I've been trying to get HTTPWatch work with Watir automation in IE9.
I searched these sites which provide the code:
So I basically copied their piece and wrote this piece of code just to test the attach method:
**require 'rubygems'
require 'win32ole'
require 'watir'
ct = WIN32OLE.new('HttpWatch.Controller')
ie = Watir::IE.new
httpw = ct.Attach(ie.ie)**
and I got the following error: NoMethodError: undefined method `attach' for WIN32OLE:Class
My Ruby is 1.8.7, Watir is 2.0.1, HTTPWatch is 8.1, IE 9. I have to use those versions as defined by the team.
I've been searching on google for hours, I found that attach is not a listed method in WIN32OLE here: http://ruby-doc.org/stdlib-1.8.7/
So I wonder how would I be able to use HTTPWatch to record time spent by Watir automation in IE9?
I think you want:
httpw = ct.IE.Attach(ie.ie)
Note: This is based on what I saw in another question regarding getting HTTPWatch with Watir-Webdriver (instead of original Watir). I do not have HTTPWatch, so I have not tested it.