Apologies in advance - I'm very much a learner, and writing projects as a means to learn. In this one, I'm trying to extend ActiveRecord so that I can do the following...
In my model definition, call ...
attr_special :field, :field
Then, elsewhere, be able to access this list through something like
Probably something really obvious. I'm fine extending ActiveRecord, but I'm not even sure what I'm searching for for guidance beyond this (constructor?)...
You can define something like the code below to create custom DSL in your models:
module SpecialAttributes
module ClassMethods
def attr_special(*attrs)
class_attribute :special_attributes
self.special_attributes = attrs
def special_attributes
module InstanceMethods
# some code here
def self.included(base)
base.extend ClassMethods
base.send :include, InstanceMethods
class ActiveRecord::Base
include SpecialAttributes
I reopen ActiveRecord::Base class instead of use inheritance because it's more common in Ruby that inheritance.
I like to use submodules called ClassMethods and InstanceMethods in my module and use self.included method to add them in the base class. So you can use 'include MyModule' without have to know if you add instance or class methods.
I hope I can help you.