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VBScript. Error on data set return

I don't have any experience programming with VBScript and I'd like to use some OOP approach. If you'll look at my code below, you will see that I'm trying to create DB access class with a set of methods, that returns data sets. Have no idea why, but receiving error:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01c2'

Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment

/TrashCan/library/BLL/CreditBLLClass.asp, line 18 

I have an .asp page:

    <!-- #INCLUDE FILE="library\BLL\CreditBLLClass.asp" -->
        Dim creditBLL
        Dim reader
        creditBLL = new CreditBLLClass

            reader = creditBLL.GetData() 
            If reader.EOF = False Then
                Do While reader.EOF = False
            End If


<!-- #INCLUDE FILE="DatabaseConnectionClass.asp" -->
Class CreditBLLClass
    'Private variables
    Dim connection

    Public Default Function Init()
        Set Init = Me
      End Function

    Public Function GetData ()
        connection = new DatabaseConnectionClass
        GetData = connection.DBGetRecords("select a from b")
    End Function
End Class


And database connection class


Class DatabaseConnectionClass

'Private variables
dim pConnection

Public Default Function Init()

    Set Init = Me
  End Function

Public Function DBGetRecords ( sSQL )

    Set pConnection = Server.CreateObject( "ADODB.Connection" )
    With pConnection
            .ConnectionString = "string"
         End With
        DBGetRecords = pConnection.Execute ( sSQL )
End Function

End Class


Please tell me what am I doing wrong? Maybe there is a common approach of how to build data access layer?


  • The error is in the invalid property assignment part of the error.

    From your code:

    connection = new DatabaseConnectionClass
    GetData = connection.DBGetRecords("select a from b")

    You have to use Set when using objects.

    Change it to this:

    Set connection = new DatabaseConnectionClass
    Set GetData = connection.DBGetRecords("select a from b")