A friend of mine was explaining how they do ping-pong pairing with TDD at his workplace and he said that they take an "adversarial" approach. That is, when the test writing person hands the keyboard over to the implementer, the implementer tries to do the bare simplest (and sometimes wrong thing) to make the test pass.
For example, if they're testing a GetName() method and the test checks for "Sally", the implementation of the GetName method would simply be:
public string GetName(){
return "Sally";
Which would, of course, pass the test (naively).
He explains that this helps eliminate naive tests that check for specific canned values rather than testing the actual behavior or expected state of components. It also helps drive the creation of more tests and ultimately better design and fewer bugs.
It sounded good, but in a short session with him, it seemed like it took a lot longer to get through a single round of tests than otherwise and I didn't feel that a lot of extra value was gained.
Do you use this approach, and if so, have you seen it pay off?
It is based on the team's personality. Every team has a personality that is the sum of its members. You have to be careful not to practice passive-aggressive implementations done with an air of superiority. Some developers are frustrated by implementations like
return "Sally";
This frustration will lead to an unsuccessful team. I was among the frustrated and did not see it pay off. I think a better approach is more oral communication making suggestions about how a test might be better implemented.