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provide own unapply method in play framework 2 with scala and circumflex-orm class

I want to combine the form binding from play 2.0 framework with a class extending Record from the circumflex-orm (website).

These are my class objects:

class Task extends Record[Long, Task] with IdentityGenerator[Long, Task] {  
  def this(name: String, description: String) = {
    this() := name
    this.description := description

  val name = "name".VARCHAR(255).NOT_NULL
  val description = "description".TEXT.NOT_NULL

  def PRIMARY_KEY = id
  def relation = Task

And this is what i try to do with the play form:

val taskForm: Form[Tasks] = Form(
    "name" -> text,
    "description" -> text
  {(name, description) => Task(name, description)}
  {(t: Task) => Option(, t.description())  }

But i get an error like this:

found   : models.Task => Option[(String, String)]
required: Unit => Option[(String, String)]
  {(t: Task) => Option(, t.description())}

And if i replace Option by Some:

found   : models.Task => Some[(String, String)]
required: Unit => Option[(String, String)]
  {(t: Task) => Some(, t.description())}

I am clueless right now and any hint would be appreciated.

Thanks a lot.

EDIT: I made a basic error, i did name the Form:

val taskForm: Form[Tasks] = Form(

when the name of the class is "Task". So i can change it to:

val taskForm: Form[Task] = Form(
      "name" -> text,
      "description" -> text
  ) ( (name, description) => Task ) 
  ( (t: Task) => Option() )

And now i get a different error:

Unspecified value parameter x
  ( (t: Task) => Option() )

I made a simple project with the needed dependencies in eclipse, you can download it here and look at it, if it helps: Basic Form Example


  • I was wrong in comment, following snippet works for me.

    case class Foo(x: String, y: String)
    val taskForm = Form(
        "name" -> text,
        "description" -> text)
      ((name, description) => Foo(name, description))
      ((t: Foo) => Some(t.x, t.y)))


    I added circumflex to dependencies and tried your exact example. It compiles fine for me, I just added

    object Task extends Task with Table[Long, Task]

    I believe you forget to include it in the question. So I can only suggest to clean and rebuild entire project.

    P.S. and I changed line

    { (name, description) => new Task(name, description) }

    but it is obvious.