We're making a game engine for our c++ class, and we're mostly done with everything except we're having some minor issues with the FPS. It always runs about 10-20% slower than what we set it to, and we're wondering if this is due to a bug/crappy code or if it's just the way it is? It Caps at 350 if we set it to be 500+, but that's mostly due to the computer not being able to handle more. If we set it to 50, we get around 40-44.
Here's some snippets from the LoopTimer class handling the timer
class LoopTimer {
LoopTimer(const int fps = 50);
void Update();
void SleepUntilNextFrame();
float GetFPS() const;
float GetDeltaFrameTime() const { return _deltaFrameTime; }
void SetWantedFPS(const int wantedFPS);
void SetAccumulatorInterval(const int accumulatorInterval);
int _wantedFPS;
int _oldFrameTime;
int _newFrameTime;
int _deltaFrameTime;
int _frames;
int _accumulator;
int _accumulatorInterval;
float _averageFPS;
CPP file
LoopTimer::LoopTimer(const int fps)
_wantedFPS = fps;
_oldFrameTime = 0;
_newFrameTime = 0;
_deltaFrameTime = 0;
_frames = 0;
_accumulator = 0;
_accumulatorInterval = 1000;
_averageFPS = 0.0;
void LoopTimer::Update()
_oldFrameTime = _newFrameTime;
_newFrameTime = SDL_GetTicks();
_deltaFrameTime = _newFrameTime - _oldFrameTime;
_accumulator += _deltaFrameTime;
if(_accumulatorInterval < _accumulator)
_averageFPS = static_cast<float>(_frames / (_accumulator / 1000.f));
//cout << "FPS: " << fixed << setprecision(1) << _averageFPS << endl;
_frames = 0;
_accumulator = 0;
void LoopTimer::SleepUntilNextFrame()
int timeThisFrame = SDL_GetTicks() - _newFrameTime;
if(timeThisFrame < (1000 / _wantedFPS))
// Sleep the remaining frame time.
SDL_Delay((1000 / _wantedFPS) - timeThisFrame);
The update is basically being called in our GameManager in the run method:
int GameManager::Run()
while(QUIT != _gameStatus)
SDL_Event ev;
return 0;
I can give out some more code if needed, or i'd be happy to give out the code to anyone who might need it. It's quite a lot going on including sdl_net functions and whatnot so there's no point dumping it all onto here.
Anyway, I hope someone has a clever tip regarding the framerate, either how to improve it, a different looptimer function or just by telling me it's normal to have a small loss in fps :)
I think there an error in your fonction
int timeThisFrame = /* do you mean */ _deltaFrameTime; //SDL_GetTicks() - _newFrameTime;