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PHP + ie6 + cookies: failing a hello world world for cookies

I tried, to no avail! My problem is php's setcookie() fails in IE6. It's fully functioning (albeit buggy) for Firefox 3 and IE7/8. The following is the code. IE6 displays fail. Simple question: why?

                     DSP COR CURa ADMa OUR IND PHY ONL COM STA"'); 

    setcookie('hello', 'poopoo');

    echo $_COOKIE['hello'];

I suspected P3P (link), or maybe some bug with the timezone-- IE6 javascript not converting time to the same standard that php uses (so that all server-issued cookies are automatically expired).

Here's what I've done: For the p3p issue, I inserted the above header tag. I've also created a policy file, and a policy reference, and run the my site through w3c's p3p checker with no errors.

For the timezone issues, I reset the time zone in browscap.ini. I also tweaked my clock forward, and backward by 24 hours.

If you can give me any new things to try, it would be very much appreciated. All I need is a Hello World cookie setter for IE6.

I appreciate it.

*Update: I caught wind that the standalone IE6 has issues that match this. Can anyone with IE6 do a quick check that you can add items to the cart on my alpha?


  • Final Update: Bug caused by standalone ie6 run on vista. Dl'ed official msft virtual pc and virtual hd and the site worked perfect.