[Joomla->2.3.2 Virtuemart 2.1]
Hello everybody I am currently developing a fast webservice webapp to connect to joomla and virtuemart and insert a product.
I am having difficulties with multilanguage.
I send a product array as following:
$product['vmlang'] = 'en-GB';
$product['product_name'] = 'Red shirt';
$product['product_description'] = 'Red shirt very nice';
And then I want to translate in italian so I change and pass:
$product['vmlang'] = 'it-IT';
$product['product_name'] = 'Maglia Rossa';
$product['product_description'] = 'Maglia Rossa molto carina';
But it doesn't work: it overwrites the first values in table #_virtuemart_product_en_gb instead of inserting new fields in #_virtuemart_product_it_it
Looking at workflow from joomla panel, it seems first change the JApplication and virtuemart language and then do vmModel('product')->store() with the new language.
From backend the VirtuemartControllerTranslate is called with ->paste task but it doesn't seems to change the app language.
Which can be the problem?
I answer by my self
you should put following to change language. hope this help
$b= VmConfig::set('vmlang','en_gb');