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Random File Generator (again!)

I badly need a random file generator that generates a truly random, non-compressible dummy files.

I ended up with this delphi code. It works, but it's painfully sloooow

    Buf     : Integer;
    TheFile : TFileStream;
      TheFile := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmCreate OR fmOpenReadWrite);
      with TheFile do
           for i := 0 to FileSize do    // Iterate
                Buf := Random(999999) * i;
                WriteBuffer(Buf, SizeOf(Buf));
           end;    // for
      end;    // with

My question is: Is there a fast random file generator that I can use? Both Delphi code and/or commandline tools are acceptable as long as:

  1. I can run it on Windows without manual intervention (I need this for my tests, no intervention is allowed)
  2. It's fast
  3. Files generated is non-compressible (ie. compressing the generated file results in no space saving)

EDIT For those interested, I applied the advice I received here and made this function, it's fast enough & 7zip has hard time compressing the generated data.


  • Use a 4096-byte page-size, or multiple page-size, buffer. Writing one integer at a time will be slow.