I have three variables, one is called A = 2012, the second is called B = 2020 and the third is C = B - A. C is the difference of years. Now I would like to see on the screen the years between two dates: 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020. I tried different solutions, but I can not do it, I think that the right approach is a cycle. Is it right? Could you show me how to do this? Thank you.
I assume you mean loop with cycle? You could try this:
int a = 2012; // Holds the first year
int b = 2020; // Holds the last year
int c = b - a; // Holds the difference of the a and b
while(a<=b) { // Execute this as long as a is equal or less then b
NSLog("Year: %d", a); // Print the year to the console
a++; // Increment the value of a with 1