I have the following WCF data contract class:
public class BinaryResponse : ResponseBase
public byte[] Payload { get; set; }
Nice and simple, works exactly as I need it to. However I am now running this through the full code analysis ruleset. This generates the following warning:
CA1819 : Microsoft.Performance : Change 'BinaryResponse.Payload' to return a collection or make it a method.
Having looked at the help page for this error the solution is a simple one. However the solution doesn't really fit with WCF datamembers.
So the question is, how can I refactor this class to still be useable as a WCF datacontract and also pass the code analysis?
You can do change the byte array to an enumerable or collection, like tehe following:
public class BinaryResponse : ResponseBase
[DataMember] public ICollection<byte> Payload { get; set; }
or you can keep the byte[] attribute in a private array and wrap it in an ICollection property (if you need the internal array):
public class BinaryResponse : ResponseBase
// this is NOT a member of the DataContract
private byte[] payload;
[DataMember] public ICollection<byte> Payload {
get { return this.payload; }
set { this.payload = value.toArray(); }