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edit display of php recordSet output

The following code produces each result as text. I would like to add some html to each result, to change it from regular text to an href tag:

while (!$recordSet->EOF()) {
        if ($pclass_name_list == '') {
            $pclass_name_list .= $recordSet->fields['class_name'];
        } else {
            $pclass_name_list .= ',' . $recordSet->fields['class_name'];

The above produces Result 1, Result 2. I'd like to change these to

<a href="">Result 1</a>
<a href="">Result 2</a>



  • If you are doing a simple addition of content into a string, you can either wrap the variable in curly braces and include it in a string that has double quotes (as below), or you can use the sprintf function to merge content into a template.

    $pclass_name_list = array();
    while (!$recordSet->EOF()) {
       $current_class_name = $recordSet->fields['class_name'];
       $pclass_name_list[] = "<a href=\"#\">{$current_class_name}</a>";
    $pclass_name_list = implode(", ", $pclass_name_list);