Search code examples

Nullable Datetime field not getting rendered in Store (Ext.Net)

<ext:Store ID="StoreSample" runat="server" RemotePaging="true" RemoteSort="true"           AutoLoad="true"
    ShowWarningOnFailure="false" >   
        <ext:HttpProxy Url="~/Samples/OpenEdit/GetSampleList" Json="true">               
        <ext:JsonReader IDProperty="Id" Root="data">
              <ext:RecordField Name="Id" Type="Int">
              <ext:RecordField Name="SampleDescription" Mapping="Description">
              <ext:RecordField Name="SampleStartDate" Mapping="StartDate" Type="Date">
              <ext:RecordField Name="SampleEndDate" Mapping="EndDate" Type="Date" >

In this store the fields SampleStartDate and SampleEndDate are of type Nullabe Datetime (Datetime?) in the model. In controller i am getting value for every field and i am converting this to StoreResult in the function GetSampleList. But in store i am always getting the value as 'undefined' in these two fields. But if i change the datatype from Datetime? to DateTime the in model i am getting all the values in store.

Can any one help me to get the nullable datetime value in store?

i am using this store in GridPanel

<Sample:GridPanel ID="GridPanelSample" runat="server" StoreID="StoreSample" Header="false"
                    AnchorHorizontal="right" AnchorVertical="96%" StandardPager="true" MonitorResize="true" TabIndex="15">
                            <ext:Column runat="server" ColumnID="SampleDescription" Header="Description"
                            <ext:DateColumn runat="server" ColumnID="SampleStartDate" Header="StartDate"
                                DataIndex="SampleStartDate" Format="d MMM Y">                                    
                            <ext:DateColumn runat="server" ColumnID="SampleEndDate" Header="EndDate"
                                DataIndex="SampleEndDate" Format="d MMM Y">
                        <ext:RowSelectionModel ID="RowSelectionModel1" runat="server" SingleSelect="true"
                        <ext:LockingGridView runat="server" ID="gridview1" />
                        <ViewReady Handler="openEdit.setOpenEditGridColumnWidths();"></ViewReady>                           

But SampleStartDate and SampleEndDate column is always empty


  • I think you need to configure the .DateFormat property of the <ext:RecordField>.


    <ext:RecordField Name="lastChange" Type="Date" DateFormat="M$" />

    Setting .DateFormat="M$" will automatically parse the "/Date(123...)/" value into a JavaScript Date object.

    Hope this helps.