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Executing an Oracle procedure using PHP - possible?

I'm trying to run a very simple Oracle procedure from PHP, using the following statement:

$sql = 'exec procedureName(param1, param2)';
$sql = oci_parse($connection, $sql); oci_execute($sql);

Running this in Oracle SQL developer returns a successful 'anonymous block completed' message, but running this via PHP returns an 'ORA-00900: invalid SQL statement' error.

Is there anyway to run this procedure from PHP? Many thanks


  • Looking a little deeper, I think you'll need to put your procedure call inside a PL/SQL BEGIN-END pair, as in:

    $sql = 'BEGIN procedureName(:param1, :param2); END;';
    $stmt_id = oci_parse($connection, $sql);
    oci_bind_by_name($stmt_id, ':param1', $value1);
    oci_bind_by_name($stmt_id, ':param2', $value2);

    You'll need to edit the above to use whatever variable names are appropriate in the calls to oci_bind_by_name.

    Also note that the presence of semi-colons in the SQL string is important.

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