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Symfony 1.4: Creating custom filters. Foreign keys and repeated keys with different filters (propel)

I have a table, TableModule, with 2 foreign keys, let's say fk1 and fk2.

  • fk1 goes to pk1 in table Table 1

  • fk2 goes to pk2 in table Table 2

I created a module. let's say, Module, which uses the TableModule (the one with the fk's)

I want to create 4 filters for those fk: 2 input text and 2 dropdowns. In particular, I want to create two filters per fk. This is:

For fk1 I would get:
  -Dropdown (choice in propel) 
For fk2 I would get:
  -Dropdown (choice in propel)

Of course, this would show the results of Table1 and Table2.

Now, in my config.yml I got:

      display: [fk1, fk1TextFilter, fk2, fk2TextFilter]

This is: fk1 and fk2 would be filtered as dropdowns, The partials fk1TextFilter and fk2TextFilter must be customized for filtering using a text input.

Why I created those partials? Because I can't duplicate the fk in the config.yml!!

In lib/filter/table1/ModuleFormFilter I did (notice that is in table1):

 public function configure()
  'fk1'                => new sfWidgetFormPropelChoice(array('model' => 'table1',  'add_empty' => true,)),
  'fk1TextFilter'      => new sfWidgetFormInput(),
  'fk2'                => new sfWidgetFormPropelChoice(array('model' => 'table2',  'add_empty' => true,)),
  'fk2TextFilter'      => new sfWidgetFormInput(),

  'fk1TextFilter'      => new sfValidatorPropelChoice(array('model' => 'table1', 'column' => 'id', 'required' => false)),
  'fk1'                => new sfValidatorPropelChoice(array('model' => 'table1', 'column' => 'id', 'required' => false)),
  'fk2TextFilter'      => new sfValidatorPropelChoice(array('model' => 'table2', 'column' => 'id', 'required' => false)),
  'fk2'                => new sfValidatorPropelChoice(array('model' => 'table2', 'column' => 'id', 'required' => false)),

  new sfValidatorPropelUnique(array('model' => 'table2', 'column' => array('fk2')))


$this->errorSchema = new sfValidatorErrorSchema($this->validatorSchema);


This is: created 2 textInput and 2 dropdowns as stated earlier.

If I use -could be the inputtext or the dropdowns- just the fk this will work OK. the problem is that I can't duplicate the fk's. I can't do:

  'fk1'   => new sfWidgetFormPropelChoice(array('model' => 'table1',  'add_empty' => true,)),
  'fk1'   => new sfWidgetFormInput(),
  'fk2'   => new sfWidgetFormPropelChoice(array('model' => 'table2',  'add_empty' => true,)),
  'fk2'   => new sfWidgetFormInput(),

If I run the page I get:

You must define a "filterByfk1TextFilter" method in the ModelQuery class to be able to filter with the "fk1TextFilter" field.

I found some links (1, 2) but is not working for me. I don't have in the symfony docs concrete examples.

What I must created and how?

By now I have, in the same lib/filter/table1/ModuleFormFilter:

 public function getFields()
  $fields = parent::getFields();
  $fields['fk1TextFilter'] = 'fk1TextFilter';
  $fields['fk2TextFilter'] = 'fk2TextFilter';
  return $fields;

public function addModelfk1TextFilterQuery($query, $field, $value)
 //add your filter query!
 //for example in your case
 $rootAlias = $query->getRootAlias();
 $query =  ModelQuery::create()

 //remember to return the $query!
 return $query;

Is not working for me. Could you help me please??


  • Black Magic:

    There are many different ways. None worked for me, at least those in the links I posted.

    Nevertheless, using: add[VirtualColumnName]ColumnCriteria allows you to customize filters.

    In this case, after all the code I wrote (and changing addModelfk1TextFilterQuery()) just add:

    public function addfk1TextFilterColumnCriteria($query, $field, $value)
      //Here just put a query in propel, for ex:
      $query = $query->useTableModel()
     return $query;

    Hoping that this will help some others!

    Mini Edit: do some echoes to $field and $values for clarification