How do I know where the port/signal/value should be placed on which side of the arrows?
I noticed that by switching
port_a => x
to x <= port_a
which seems very equal, I got an error.
Also, x => port_a
doesn't work.
I even do not know which way the arrows should point.
is an assignment - specifically a signal assignment, driving a signal with a value from somewhere else. For a physical analogy, the thing on the right hand side drives a value onto the left hand side.
is a port mapping from a pin to a signal. This is not an assignment - the physical analogy might be soldering a pin to a wire.
You can only do "soldering" to instantiations, so =>
mapping only happens inside a port map
. And there, "pins" always go on the left (because that's what the language rules say), which is why you can't do x <= port_a
in a port map