I have a page with multiple textareas to be replaced with TinyMCE.
Some of the Textareas take arabic text, some english text. The textareas have the dir
-attribute set correctly according to the input they should receive.
How can I set the directionality of the different Editors according to their textareas? I can set the directionality for all instances like this:
plugins : "…,directionality,…",
directionality: "rtl",
But how can I set different direction for each editor?
In the end I came up with this:
plugins : "…,directionality,…",
directionality: "ltr",
setup: function (ed) {
ed.onInit.add(function(ed) {
var direction = $('[name="'+ed.id+'"]').attr('dir');
ed.getBody().dir = direction;
I used the events-based solution like @Thariama supposed and referenced back to the dir
-attribute, which I know to be always set correctly.