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ASP.NET winforms-like philosophy and page lifecycle often get in my way

MVC + classic webforms in the same website

Now I am wondering if it was possible to mix MVC and classic webforms (I don't want to reimplement what I've already done even if this makes the code non-homogeneous...)

Original question

The more I improve my understanding of ASP.NET (and web programming in general) the more I dislike ASP.NET page-lifecycle and its winforms-like paradigm. I'm more and more convinced that I'd get better results in less time by writing by own handlers or, at most, using plain .aspx templating without any databound control.
Every time I learn the ASP.NET-way of doing something I'm left with the feeling that I have wasted my time and I end up re-inventing the wheel.

Do you proficently use System.Web.UI.* controls?
Don't you get confused by the page lifecycle?
Don't you feel like that putting a SQLDataSource on each page produces unmaintainable code?


I couldn't belive I was the only one who felt like that and now I know I was right. I'm watching some videos about MVC and it looks exactly like what I was looking for. Tomorrow I will install and try it out.


  • ASP.NET MVC was created exactly for people who feel the way you do :)

    Yes, it's perfectly possible to mix WebForms and ASP.NET MVC