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Moodle Paypal_enrolment plugin not working with Paypal Sandbox?

I am using Moodle 1.9 Paypal_enrolment plugin so that to access the course student first pay the amount by paypal and then access the course.

I am following the steps given here:

After implementing I want to test with Paypal Sanbox but facing some problem. How we can enable paypal sandbox so that I can test the flow in Paypal sandbox. Also check this link too that elaborate similar problem as mine. Thanks


  • To enable the Paypal sandbox, you need to add the following line of code in config.php:

    $CFG->usepaypalsandbox = 'TRUE';

    Not sure if this has been fixed meanwhile, but you might also need to edit ipn.php to use SSL and port 443:

    $paypaladdr = empty($CFG->usepaypalsandbox) ? '' : 'ssl://';
    $fp = fsockopen ($paypaladdr, 443, $errno, $errstr, 30);

    More information: