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Should I choose to create new website, or create new project in Visual Studio?

Possible Duplicate:
ASP.NET: Web Site or Web Application?

I created a 47 page website in VS before, using the template that comes with VS 2010. I'm about to create a new website. It's going to be a lead-generating website so it shouldn't really be more than 7 or 8 pages max.

I want to use one of the online templates that come with visual studio, although I know nothing about AJAX, or MVC, etc. I really just want a different look than the template that comes with VS.

When I open Visual Studio 2010, should click new project, or new website? Or should I click new website, then add new project?

I'm also more familiar with VB than I am with C#. I'll have to add a form where clients can submit information. What would be the best route to go for a semi-remedial programmer like myself?


  • I think you can actually change from one type to another so it's not such a big decision.

    I'd go with new website if I were you as it doesn't sound like you will be adding other assemblies.