I have the object list which i use to create the graph, in it, I have a X value, Y value and couple of other things (strings, numbers,...) which describe this object. I would like to create a custom tooltip who displays them. I've seen something about binding the Tag property and use it. But I'm not sure that will fit my needs because as I've said I need more than one property. Is there any other way I could do it?
BTW I'm using xaml and c#
But if you are working with DataBinding, you can map ToolTipText property to each individual DataPoint.
DataMapping dm = new DataMapping();
dm.Path = "customToolTipText;
Here customToolTipText is a property in your view model which will have values for each DataPoint in the series.
Example: customToolTipText = "XValue, YValue, otherdetail...";
This way you can directly set the ToolTipText without relying on ZValue, AxisXLabel etc.