I am looking to sum the "Status" field.
Dim _detailRecords As New DataTable
_detailRecords.Columns.Add("A", GetType(Int32))
Dim workRow As DataRow
Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To 3
workRow = _detailRecords.NewRow()
workRow(0) = i.ToString()
workRow(1) = "CustName" & i.ToString()
workRow(2) = i + 1
For i = 1 To 3
workRow = _detailRecords.NewRow()
workRow(0) = i.ToString()
workRow(1) = "CustName" & i.ToString()
workRow(2) = i + 1
Dim query8 As IEnumerable(Of DataRow) = (From record As DataRow In _detailRecords _
Group record By y = record.Field(Of String)("y"), _
z = record.Field(Of String)("z"), _
Status = record.Field(Of Int32)("Status") Into groupedRecords = Group _
Select groupedRecords.FirstOrDefault())
I'm also wanting to keep this as an IEnumerable of DataRow because I will be creating a datatable from it with
Dim yyyyy As DataTable = query8.CopyToDataTable
Just add a call to the aggregate method you want and optionally add an alias to the result.
Dim query =
From record In _detailRecords
Group record
By Y = record.Field(Of String)("y"),
Z = record.Field(Of String)("z"),
Status = record.Field(Of Int32)("Status")
Into groupedRecords = Group,
Sum(record.Field(Of Int32)("Status")) ' Get the sum of the Status values
Select FirstRecord = groupedRecords.FirstOrDefault,
Note that there are many ways this could be written, this is just one way.