In cassandra how to add images in column family for a row. Below I mentioned a sample table which shows the KEY,Name,Age and Cover_Image.
Here we can able to add Name,Age by entering the queries like this
create column family users with comparator=UTF8Type and column_metadata=[ {column_name:Name,validation_class:UTF8Type}, {column_name:Age,validation_class:LongType,index_type:KEYS}];
set users[babu][Name]='Babu Droid';
set users[babu][Age]=23;
Like the above queries, what's the query to add an image (query for both create(also validation_class) and set options)
For an image you would want to use BytesType for the column validator and simply insert the raw bytes of the image into the column. There won't be a good way to do something like that from the command line interface though. You would need to write some custom code using a client library.