I have a graph which consists of nodes and I need a fast algorithm that generates a random path between two nodes. I designed several algorithms from scratch for this but can't seem to get it right.
Either the algorithm gets stuck in loops, or when I keep record of the visited nodes it sometimes gets stuck between visited nodes. Another problem I encountered is that my algorithm was too unstable in performance.
So my question is; does anyone know a fast and stable algorithm for a random path between two reachable nodes in an undirected graph?
Let your graph be G=(V,E)
. Create a subset U
of V
such that U = { u | there is a path from u to the target }
is easy - and can be done in linear
time using DFS or BFS on the reversed edges from the
target.Using this subset, create a graph G'=(U,E')
where U
is defined above and E' = E [intersection] UxU
[The same edges, but applied only on vertices in U
Run randomized (choosing which vertex to explore next on random) DFS on G'
until you reach the target.