So, here is the deal: I have two models, a Player and a Team. Every team has_many players and every player belongs_to a team. The code (omitting a few unnecessary atributes from the player model):
class Team < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :name, :points, :rank
has_many :players
class Player < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :name, :age, :pos, :team
belongs_to :team
I am using seeds.rb to create a few teams and a bunch of players and then I try to put players into teams (that is, I try to actually implement the "has_many" and "belongs_to" associations). The code:
rndm = rand(1..10) #random number of teams
rndm.each do |i| #create rndm teams
i = i.to_s
Team.create(name: 'Team'+i, points: 0, ranking: 0)
for i in 1..rndm*22 do #create rndm*22 players (ideally 22 for each team)
i = i.to_s
Player.create(name: 'Player'+i, age: rand(15..35),
pos: 'Not specified', team: Team.find(rand(1..rndm)))
Now, the above code creates the teams and the players just fine. However, it does not associate players with teams. It does not associate them with a team at all. That is, when I type "@player = Player.find(1)" and "" in the rails console all I get is "=> nil". BUT, when I specify the team myself (still in the console) by typing " = Team.find(1)", the association is achieved just fine (resulting in the "" argument to return the details for the team with team id: 1).
I assume I have to modify the Player controller or something like that? If so, what's different when I associate the two models from the console rather than from the seeds.rb?
In order for you're seeding scheme to work, you'd have to be setting team_id: instead of :team when you create the Player.
for i in 1..rndm*22 do #create rndm*22 players (ideally 22 for each team)
i = i.to_s
Player.create(name: 'Player'+i, age: rand(15..35),
pos: 'Not specified', team_id: Team.find(rand(1..rndm))).id