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Using MEMBER OF with a collection of entities identified by a composite key

I am trying to return a set of objects that are not part of a collection like this:

    TypedQuery<Extra> q = em
                    "SELECT e FROM Extra e, Arrangement a WHERE "
                        + " = :arrid AND e NOT MEMBER OF a.extras",
    q.setParameter("arrid", a.getId());
    return q.getResultList();

But I get a bad SQL out of this:

Caused by: org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLException: Subquery is not a single column query; SQL statement:
select extra0_.code as code427_, extra0_.edition_number as edition5_427_,
extra0_.totalCost as totalCost427_, extra0_.unitCost as unitCost427_,
extra0_.units as units427_ from extra_arrangements extra0_
cross join arrangements arrangemen1_
where and
((extra0_.code, extra0_.edition_number) not in
  (select extra3_.code, extra3_.edition_number
   from arrangements_extra_arrangements extras2_, extra_arrangements extra3_
   where and
   extras2_.extras_code=extra3_.code and
   extras2_.extras_edition_number=extra3_.edition_number)) [90052-161]

The thing is that this other query works as expected:

    TypedQuery<Exhibitor> q = em.createQuery(
        "SELECT e FROM Exhibitor e, Edition ed WHERE ed.number = :ednum AND "
        + "e NOT MEMBER OF ed.exhibitors",
    q.setParameter("ednum", e.getNumber());
    return q.getResultList();

The only difference being that Exhibitor has a single column id, whereas Extra has a composite key:

@Table(name = "exhibitors")
public class Exhibitor implements Serializable, Comparable<Exhibitor> {

    private int id;
    @Column(length = 100)
    private String code;
    private List<Edition> edition;



public class Extra implements Serializable {

    private ExtraCode id;
    private double unitCost;
    private double units;

public class ExtraCode implements Serializable {

    private String code;
    private Edition edition;

    //Getters and setters omitted

Any idea what I might be doing wrong and how to fix it?


  • I think it's same problem as this one.
    H2 does not currently support that style of IN query.

    Problematic place in sql-query:

      AND (
        ) NOT IN 
        (SELECT ...)