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Can't create a file/directories in Ubuntu 11.10 even if rights are set correctly

I'm affraid about something in ubuntu 11.10. I'm trying to give the write permission to the current user in a specific folder. So, at first, I'm cnanging the owner to give the propriety to my apache user on the default folder (/var/www).

sudo chown -R apache:apache /var/www

Then, I add my current use into the group apache.

sudo usermod -a -G apache ollie314

I check that the ollie314 has the correct rights :

groups ollie314
> ollie314 apache

OK ! Now I check who am I.

> ollie314

Sounds good ...

cd /var/www
mkdir test
> mkdir: cannot create directory `test': Permission denied

hum ... I made something wrong, but I don't know where. I suspect a pass through parent forlder issue but it works fine on my debian squeeze. Somebody can help me ? Thanks in advance !


  • Group changes like that don't take effect until the next time you log in. Log out then log back in.