After looking into Asynchronous Module Definition (AMD) in the javascript context I was wondering how to get intellisense in Visual Studio 2010 for a dependent module.
For example given module A:
define(function() {
return {
square: function(value) {
return value * value;
and a corresponding module B:
define(["A"], function(a) {
return {
value: a.square(10)
Then I would like to have full intellisense for the module A (represented as parameter a) within module B. Note that both of these modules would be defined in separate files (A.js and B.js in this case).
It looks like the author of RequireJS is working on Intellisense support here:
Unfortunately I haven't gotten the "magic" to work yet.
Update: I did get this to work in certain scenarios. In particular it works great when all of the js files are in the same folder.