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Javascript AMD Modules: How to get Visual Studio intellisense across modules

After looking into Asynchronous Module Definition (AMD) in the javascript context I was wondering how to get intellisense in Visual Studio 2010 for a dependent module.

For example given module A:

define(function() {
    return {
        square: function(value) {
            return value * value;

and a corresponding module B:

define(["A"], function(a) {
    return {
        value: a.square(10)

Then I would like to have full intellisense for the module A (represented as parameter a) within module B. Note that both of these modules would be defined in separate files (A.js and B.js in this case).


  • It looks like the author of RequireJS is working on Intellisense support here:

    Unfortunately I haven't gotten the "magic" to work yet.

    Update: I did get this to work in certain scenarios. In particular it works great when all of the js files are in the same folder.