I have a shared hosting plan with Windows Server 2008 and IIS7.5, and there is Microsoft rewriting module installed and enabled.
<rule name="myRule" patternSyntax="Wildcard">
<!--Rewriting code-->
So, how to redirect mydomain.example/everywhere-in-site/my-page.html
to www.mydomain.example/everywhere-in-site/my-page.html
with Microsoft rewriting module?
And what if I want to redirect www.mydomain.example/everywhere-in-site/my-page.html
to mydomain.example/everywhere-in-site/my-page.html
To remove the www from a domain and redirect to a "naked domain" you could di it like in the following code snippet:
<rule name="Remove WWW prefix" stopProcessing="true">
<match url="(.*)" ignoreCase="true" />
<add input="{HTTP_HOST}" pattern="^www\.yourdomain\.example$" />
<action type="Redirect" url="http://yourdomain.example/{R:1}" redirectType="Permanent" />
And the other way around (if you prefer that) to redirect a non-www to one with www:
<rule name="Add WWW prefix" stopProcessing="true">
<match url="(.*)" ignoreCase="true" />
<add input="{HTTP_HOST}" pattern="^yourdomain\.example$" />
<action type="Redirect" url="http://www.yourdomain.example/{R:0}" redirectType="Permanent" />
The redirectType="Permanent"
is of course optional but for SEO and most scenarios I would recommend it.
Please see also these Stack Overflow questions/answers: