I'm writing Perl for quite some time now and always discovering new things, and I just ran into something interesting that I don't have the explanation to it, nor found it over the web.
sub a {
sub b {
print "In B\n";
how come I can call b()
from outside its scope and it works?
I know its a bad practice to do it, and I dont do it, I use closured and such for these cases, but just saw that.
Subroutines are stored in a global namespace at compile time. In your example b();
is short hand for main::b();
. To limit visibility of a function to a scope you need to assign an anonymous subroutines to a variable.
Both named and anonymous subroutines can form closures, but since named subroutines are only compiled once if you nest them they don't behave as many people expect.
use warnings;
sub one {
my $var = shift;
sub two {
print "var: $var\n";
Variable "$var" will not stay shared at -e line 5.
var: test
var: test
Nesting named subroutines is allowed in Perl but it's almost certainly a sign that the code is doing someting incorrectly.