I have read the book professional asp.net design patterns by scott millett and in his example he validates his business logic within a Validate() method and if any broken rules are broken they get added to a collection and the service layer calls a method on the model called GetBrokenRules().
Now I have also read several books, blogs and forums regarding DDD and it says that in DDD an object should never get into an invalid state.
All the examples I have seen regarding DDD throw errors when a business rule has been broken instead of passing back a collection of broken rules. I have even downloaded the latest source code by scott millett and he has now changed his code which now throws errors instead of passing back the list of broken rules. I have also seen the same approach with other DDD code samples.
I am having a debate with a team member who believes that throwing errors is resource expensive and we should NOT throw the error but return a collection of broken rules like we currently do. However by doing this we are passing around an object that is invalid because it has dodgy data and we only check for its broken rules at the end.
I was just thinking what other peoples opinons are on this subject. Should we throw an error as soon as a business rule fails? If so, can you highlight any pros and cons of doing so. I don't know how resource expensive throwing errors are in .net so I can not argue against that point but I was wondering if this is also a matter of personal opinoin instead of coding standards.
What @Oded said is perfectly valid.
However there is another way to handle the validation, without throwing exceptions and without passing around an invalid object. Simply put, you always create the object via a factory method. If everything is good, an isntance is returned otherwise it returns null. Of course, this means you have to check for null once when you creat the object but that's about it. The factory method (which can be part of a service) can take as argument an IValidationDictionary (not a BCL interface) on which the factory can set the errors. But we talk here only about input data (formatting validation) from the user. No business rules here. If the object will be used in a context in which its state is invalid then it has to throw an exception.
You can avoid that 99% by having a method on the object or on its aggregate root like CanDoThat(). If object.CanDoThat(context) do that and avoid an exception. The exception may be triggered though if because of concurrency things change in the mean time.
I usually have the following workflow:
If can not then there are 2 cases:
Of course you may have the case where everything is ok at the aggregate root level, but it fails at the repository level because of a db constraint. This means the repository throws an exception, which I handle (because I exepct that case to happen). If the user expects a response then I'll throw a specific exception to signal the error which will set the View's ModelState.
Now this is a tricky situation, because it looks like I'm using exception to control the code flow but that's not the case. While I expect the db to throw a constraint violated exception, it's still an exceptional case because that doesn't happen every time and it's not a situation the user can avoid. I'm throwing next the specific exception because the first one is something persistence related, but my controller doesn't know about it so I have to communicate that exceptional state in a way it understands.
Ok, long anwser but the idea is that some errors, while expected ar still exceptions and they need to be treated as such. However if there is a formatting validation error on ipnut data or the input data is invalid in a specific way, that should be handled in the first anti corruption layer, the controller itself and no exceptions are needed. The controller should not let invalid input go forward. If it goes forward then it is a bug, an exceptional situation.
Hope, I wasn't very confusing :)