I'm testing something that like to output content to file, which has a Chinese name.
The file would be created successfully with right content but not file name.
I take a look at the function writeFile
^1 and it represents file name using String
So I suspect this might be root cause.
file :: FilePath
file = "上海万达影城.html"
content :: String
content = "<h1>hello</h1>"
write2File :: IO ()
write2File = writeFile file content
Thanks your help!
--------------------- Updated
A workaround found before upgrade. see detail below and the code change like
import qualified Codec.Binary.UTF8.String as UTF8
file = UTF8.encodeString "上海万达影城.html"
String is a list of unicode code points in Haskell. The interpretation of that list of unicode code points is system dependent. (You also need a not too old GHC to support this).
Generally though, once you're locale is set correctly, things just work.
N.B. there have been caveats in the past -- e.g. the old bug: System.Directory.getDirectoryContents unicode support - which might involve workarounds.