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After website migration, index.html no longer automatically loaded

Thanks for any help you can provide!

We just migrated our website to a new server. It's on a Joyent Cloud running Sun/Oracle Solaris, and it has Ruby in addition to PHP. It runs on MySQL and Apache.

Before, we had things set up so that when I navigated to "", my browser would find "" and then meta refresh-redirect me appropriately to ""

Now, when I navigate to "", I get a "file not found" error. However, if I navigate to "", the site works as intended.

I think this is a problem in Apache, but I'm not 100% sure. Is there a way to fix this issue? Step-by-step advice would be much appreciated!


  • Here's what happened according to my developer. I don't fully understand the explanation, so I'm not sure I can answer follow-up questions! "With the old mongrel cluster, Apache would recognize "/community" as a directory, silently forward to "/community/", which would then pick up the forwarding index.html file. With Phusion Passenger," which I guess we're using now, "Apache sends the request directly to Passenger if "/community" is not a regular file, and Passenger was returning the 404 error. As a fix, we've disabled passenger in the community folder, which fixes the problem."