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How to disable inertia with Surface SDK?

I'm using the Surface SDK for the multitouch support. I needed to move 2 sliders at the same time...

I've created some SurfaceSlider, works well, except that the control do some inertia after the movement...

Is there a way to disable inertia? I've searched over the web and I didn't find anything... they don't offer an option or anything like that...

If you need more informations to solve my problem just tell me...


UPDATE: I've tried to make my own slider like this, but it doesn't work...

public class WtoSurfaceSlider : SurfaceSlider

    #region " Ctors "
    static WtoSurfaceSlider()
        // Override metadata with style defined in themes xaml
        DefaultStyleKeyProperty.OverrideMetadata(typeof(WtoSurfaceSlider), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(typeof(WtoSurfaceSlider)));

    public WtoSurfaceSlider()
        Name = "New" + GetType().Name;

    #region " Method "

    protected override void OnManipulationDelta(ManipulationDeltaEventArgs e)
        if (e.IsInertial)
            e.Handled = true;




Finally, I found my answer with the comment of Eli Arbel. I declare my SurfaceSlider in a resource xaml file, so I don't have a .cs. So this works fine for me:

public class WtoSurfaceThumb : SurfaceThumb

    #region " Ctors "

    static WtoSurfaceThumb()
        // Override metadata with style defined in themes xaml
        DefaultStyleKeyProperty.OverrideMetadata(typeof(WtoSurfaceThumb), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(typeof(WtoSurfaceThumb)));

    public WtoSurfaceThumb()
        Name = "New" + GetType().Name;

        PreviewFlicked += new FlickEventHandler(WtoSurfaceThumb_PreviewFlicked);


    #region " Method "

    private void WtoSurfaceThumb_PreviewFlicked(object sender, FlickEventArgs e)
        e.Handled = true;



And i replaced all the SurfaceThumb in my app by WtoSurfaceThumb.


  • You can use the following event:

    <s:SurfaceSlider s:SurfaceThumb.PreviewFlicked="OnPreviewFlicked" />

    And mark it as handled:

    private void OnPreviewFlicked(object sender, FlickEventArgs e)
        e.Handled = true;

    As a side note - you can use a normal slider if you don't need the flick functionality. Multi-touch is built into WPF 4.