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RequestFactory fails with "UnexpectedException: No RequestContext for operation LPZEK7DlYkoG1$NQ5MjHlmuRChk="

Could you guys please help me why I'm having this exception?

I extracted RequestFactory proxies and context interfaces into separate jar so I can use it both in GWT client and Android client (details are here)

Unfortunately RF throws an exception on the server in very first call. The exception is: No RequestContext for operation LPZEK7DlYkoG1$NQ5MjHlmuRChk=

Below is my factory interface. As you can see I had to replace Service annotations with ServiceName because I didn't want to compile all custom locators with Guice injections to jar that will go on mobile devices.

public interface AdminRequestFactory extends RequestFactory
    // @Service(value = UserServiceDao.class, locator = InjectingServiceLocator.class)
    @ServiceName(value = "com.blah.courierApp.server.dao.UserServiceDao", locator = "com.blah.courierApp.server.inject.InjectingServiceLocator")
    public interface GaeUserServiceContext extends RequestContext
        public Request<String> createLogoutURL(String destinationURL);
        public Request<GaeUser> getCurrentUser();

    // @Service(value = OrderDao.class, locator = InjectingServiceLocator.class)
    @ServiceName(value = "com.blah.courierApp.server.dao.OrderDao", locator = "com.blah.courierApp.server.inject.InjectingServiceLocator")
    public interface OrderRequestContext extends RequestContext
        Request<List<OrderProxy>> listAll();
        Request<Void> delete(Long id);
        Request<Void> createOrder(OrderProxy order);
        Request<OrderProxy> findOrderById(long id);
        Request<Void> updateOrderState(long id, StateType newStateType);

    GaeUserServiceContext contextUserService();
    OrderRequestContext contextOrder();

When I compiled it RF Annotation Tool gave following warning:

Cannot fully validate context since domain type com.blah.courierApp.server.dao.UserServiceDao is not available.
You must run the ValidationTool as part of your server build process.
Add @SuppressWarnings("requestfactory") to dismiss.

So when the exception thrown under the debugger on the server I see that instance of has empty operationData field which is being initialized by DeobfuscatorBuilder class that was generated by RequestFactory annotation tool.

So... I decompiled that class and found this:

public final class AdminRequestFactoryDeobfuscatorBuilder extends Deobfuscator.Builder
  public AdminRequestFactoryDeobfuscatorBuilder()
    withRawTypeToken("w1Qg$YHpDaNcHrR5HZ$23y518nA=", "");
    withRawTypeToken("8KVVbwaaAtl6KgQNlOTsLCp9TIU=", "");
    withRawTypeToken("FXHD5YU0TiUl3uBaepdkYaowx9k=", "");
    withRawTypeToken("5vjE9LUy$l0uvi4kMYpS3JA1WEE=", "com.blah.shared.model.GaeUser");
    withRawTypeToken("8KVVbwaaAtl6KgQNlOTsLCp9TIU=", "");
    withRawTypeToken("5a7OV4PSV$1xemsooKLfEQ4g5yY=", "com.blah.shared.proxies.OrderProxy");
    withRawTypeToken("neR_xIhE5oZsc0HbnkAMa8A88yw=", "com.blah.shared.proxies.OrderStateProxy");
    withRawTypeToken("t6gMQWDROJnYvqYhNURV8pd$sn4=", "com.blah.shared.proxies.OrganizationProxy");
    withRawTypeToken("1o45xgS$5bIkBKF4wlR8oMw_FSo=", "com.blah.shared.proxies.PersonProxy");
    withRawTypeToken("FXHD5YU0TiUl3uBaepdkYaowx9k=", "");

It didn't generated tokens for factory. Therefore there are no calls to Deobfuscator.Builder.withOperation because of which my server can't find context when calls comes from the client.

Questions are:

  • Why doesn't RequestFactory Annotation Tool generate tokens for factory (operations) ?
  • How can I fix it ?


  • Well, it was pretty tricky... But debugging in RF Annotation Tool helped :)

    Turns out you have to have domain classes that you refer to in @ServiceName in classpath of RF Annotation Processor. It creates chicken-and-egg problem. You have to compile SharedClasses module to compile main module but you have to compile domain classes from main module to compile SharedClasses module.

    Here is what I did:

    • Disabled RF annotation processing for SharedClasses module.
    • In RF annotation processor of main module I explicitly specified RF factory that has to be processed using parameter rootOverride = com.blah.shared.factories.AdminRequestFactory

    It sucks that I have hardcoded full qualified class name in project settings though.

    If you guys know more elegant method please let me know.