I know that the unit test should be isolated from any dependencies. I am trying to write unit tests for an application using Typemock. Issue is one of the methods in a class accepts a couple of Xml filepath parameters and then creates an XMLDocument object inside the method to be used somewhere in the method.
public bool ValidateXml(String aFilePath, String ruleXmlPath)
XmlDocument myValidatedXml = new XmlDocument();
return false;
XmlDocument myRuleXml = new XmlDocument();
return false;
MyClass myObject = new MyClass(myValidatedXml);
//Do something more with myObject.
XmlNodeList rules = myRuleXml.SelectNodes("//rule");
//Do something more with rules object.
return true;
How do I write a unit test for this without having to specify the physical location? Note: I am not allowed to change the code unfortunately.
You could always create a temp Xml and pass the path of the temp file and then delete it after the Test is executed. In NUnit this can be easily accomplished using [SetUp]
and [TearDown]
public class MyTest
private string tempPathXML;
public void SetUp()
//Create XML file
// Save it in a temp path
public void TearDown()
//Delete the temp file
public void SampleTestForValidateXml()
//Test using tempPathXML
the Setup
method is executed before each test case and the Teardown
method is executed after each test case
Note: For MSTest the [Setup]
and [TearDown]
attribute can be replaced with [TestInitialize]
and [TestCleanup]
respectively. Thanks Cwan !