I have some fairly basic questions regarding the use of booksleeve in conjunction with protobuf-net. Now I have implemented a singleton class to manage the connections so I am reusing the same connection many times as recommended. Now I several questions regarding actual use of the combo:
I was thinking that I should use the Range() method for retrieval:
public IList<T> RetrieveAllAsList()
var conn = RedisConnectionManager.Current.GetConnection();
int length = (int)conn.Lists.GetLength(10, "idk").Result;
byte[][] data = conn.Lists.Range(10, "idk", 0, length-1).Result;
List<T> output = new List<T>();
for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(data[i]))
return output;
I would appreciate any help in this matter. Thank you.
Sripathi already did a good job of explaining what the DB key is. The reason it is required is that BookSleeve works as a multiplexer, so of you are using a DB it needs to be passed to avoid race conditions when different callers are using different databases. Just pass 0 if you aren't using multiple databases.
Re serialization/deserialization - this is deliberately done separately, so that the caller can use the appropriate serialization for them - so BookSleeve only knows about strings and blobs. Your serialiazation code looks ok though.
The only critique I would have is that there is no need to get the length first. The intellisense should illustrate the usage - I expect passing -1 or int.MaxValue will list all the items without needing to get the length first (apologies for being vague, but I'm in a departure lounge). This avoids a network trip.