I am trying to do an app to create a final QR code for the information of multiple barcodes that I have scanned. I am wondering how would you import the ZXing lib to your code? Assume that user already has ZXing scanner in their mobile, can I just connect with the app to generate the barcode without importing all the lib since it will make my app heavy?
For importing , QRencoder.java from ZXing, what are the necessary part of codes that I need? Or is it even possible?
I found this two months ago : http://damianflannery.wordpress.com/2011/06/13/integrate-zxing-barcode-scanner-into-your-android-app-natively-using-eclipse/ And I have tried installing that apache but it is so painful process for me. So is there any other ways around?
Yes, just use Intents. You don't need any code beyond the bit of integration code here: http://code.google.com/p/zxing/wiki/ScanningViaIntent The same class has methods for encoding a barcode on screen.