I realized a strange behavior today with in my R code.
I tried a package {boot.StepAIC} which includes a bootstrap function for the results of the stepwise regression with the AIC. However I do not think the statistical background is here the problem (I hope so).
I can use the function at the top level of R. This is my example code.
x<-rnorm(n); y<-rnorm(n,sd=2); z<-rnorm(n,sd=3); res<-x+y+z+rnorm(n,sd=0.1)
boot.stepAIC(lm(form.1, dat.test),dat.test) # should be OK - works at me
However, I wanted to wrap that in an own function. I pass the data and the formula to that function. But I get an error within boot.stepAIC() saying:
the model fit failed in 100 bootstrap samples Error in strsplit(nam.vars, ":") : non-character argument
# custom function
fun.boot.lm.stepAIC<-function(dat,form) {
if(!inherits(form, "formula")) stop("No formula given")
# results in an error
So where is the mistake? I suppose it must have something to do with the local and global environment, doesn't it?
Using do.call
as in anova test fails on lme fits created with pasted formula provides the answer.
doesn't have access to form
when run within a function; that can be recreated in the global environment like this; we see that lm
is using form.1
as the formula, and removing it makes boot.stepAIC
> form.1<-as.formula(res~x+y+z)
> mm <- lm(form.1, dat.test)
> mm$call
lm(formula = form.1, data = dat.test)
> rm(form.1)
> boot.stepAIC(mm,dat.test)
# same error as OP
Using do.call
does work. Here I use as.name
as well; otherwise the mm
object carries around the entire dataset instead of just the name of it.
> form.1<-as.formula(res~x+y+z)
> mm <- do.call("lm", list(form.1, data=as.name("dat.test")))
> mm$call
lm(formula = res ~ x + y + z, data = dat.test)
> rm(form.1)
> boot.stepAIC(mm,dat.test)
To apply this to the original problem, I'd do this:
fun.boot.lm.stepAIC<-function(dat,form) {
if(!inherits(form, "formula")) stop("No formula given")
mm <- do.call("lm", list(form, data=as.name(dat)))
do.call("boot.stepAIC", list(mm,data=as.name(dat)))
This works too but the entire data set gets included in the final output object, and the final output to console, as well.
fun.boot.lm.stepAIC<-function(dat,form) {
if(!inherits(form, "formula")) stop("No formula given")
mm <- do.call("lm", list(form, data=dat))