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PHP str_replace Difficulty with Double Quotes

I am trying to clean up text that a user could input in a form. I would appreciate any faster methods and extra precautions I could take to make sure that bad code is not injected via this form. ButI am having particular trouble with removing double quotes.

My code is:

str_replace(array('<','>',')','\$','(', '?', '.', ',' ,'!', '-', '+', '/', '\*', '\\', '"'), " ", $text)

But it will not match and remove the slanted quotes, like from MS word, “ to " which is the normal double quotes.

Can you help me with fixing this?

*I am using POST for the form and I am not using the input for anything more than parsing it.


This is all that I am trying to do

str_replace(array('"'), " ", $text)

Replace double quotes with a space, but PHP is not recognizing double quotes from a program like Microsoft Word. Thanks


  • The MS smart quotes can be removed with this function.

    function convert_smart_quotes($string) 
        $search = array(chr(145), 
        $replace = array("'", 
        return str_replace($search, $replace, $string); 

    Or add them to your code:

    str_replace(array('<','>',')','\$','(', '?', '.', ',' ,'!', '-', '+', '/', '\*', '\\', '"', chr(145), chr(146), chr(147), chr(148)), " ", $text)