In a project I'm working on, I've moved all the winforms' resource files (with strings only) to a resource dll, which also has a static class that loads all the resource file strings to memory at project start, and each form gets its strings from it.
I have one winform with a couple of user controls, that also access that dll for their strings. When I try to open that form in design view I get the following error for each user control:
"The variable 'control_name' is either undeclared or was never assigned"
I can still run the project without any problem.
I've tried to call the dll from both the user controls' constructors and Load events but neither of the cases worked.
As I've mentioned in an earlier comment, I managed to solve the problem. Instead of accessing the resource dll from within the usercontrol, I changed each of the controls' functions to public and called those functions from the winform