I have a method called is_following in the user.rb model, and it checks to see if one user is following another.
Users Controller
def show
@user = User.find(params[:id])
respond_to |format|
format.json { render json: @user, :methods => [:image_url, :is_following] }
User Model
def is_following params
return "yep" if params[:follower_id] == id
However, I don't know how to pass params into the :is_following method in the controller. Anyone have any luck or solution to this?
This may not be the answer you're looking for but it definitely a solution. I recommend you stop using render
to generate your JSON.
Gems such as jbuilder or rabl make it easier and gives you more flexibility.
Ruby on Rails is a MVC framework. You should leave view generation at the view layer. Doing this will save you from much more pain you'll endure in the future.